Foreign exchange reserves (FER) of Kazakhstan (including assets of National fund and gross foreign exchange reserves) composed $91,581 billion on January 1, 2016. This indicator was up with the sum of $102,452 billion on January 2015. Subsequently, the index of FER decreased by $10,6, National Bank of Kazakhstan reports.
In December of last year, gross of roreign exchange reserves of Kazakhstan reduced by 1,08 percent (-3,89 percent since the beginning of 2015) to 28,073 billion dollars.
Assets of National fund reduced by 1,14 percent (-13,29 per cent) and amounted 63,508 billion dollars. Assets in freely convertible currency decreased by 2,2 percent (-6,04 per cent), composing 20,497 billion dollars, and assets in the gold amount to 7,576 billion dollars, having increased by 2,07 percent (+2,45 percent).
Photo: partner.kz