Oil became cheaper than water. From here the opinion goes up: Kazakhstan needs to export bottled water from the underground sources. As scientists researched, quality of Kazakhstan's water is the best in the world market.
Usual mineral water can be magnificent export good. It was proved by French entrepreneurs, who made a business called Evian water which extracted in Geneva Lake. Nowadays almost all Hollywood stars start their working day with Evian water.
Unfortunately, usual mineral water now is more expensive than oil. For example, in the American supermarkets, the liter bottle costs 30 cents, and oil liter is 18 cents. Why not start selling abroad the Kazakhstan mineral water?
In fact, our country has the underground seas with therapeutical water. According to the characteristics and richness of minerals, it doesn't concede to neither the Geneva Evian nor the Caucasian waters.
It is counted that the total amount of underground waters of Kazakhstan is 70 times bigger than Balkhash Lake. These sources can be found from the Dzungarian Alatau to Mangistau. Even, there is an underground sea with therapeutical water in the desert Moyinkum.
Moreover, the mineral water which is found in the resort of Saryagash called the best by the Belgian scientists. It consists of ions of vanadium and iodine which prevent the development of diabetes.
Photo: atameken.info