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Debtors in black issued with complaint to Banks in Almaty

Debtors in black issued with complaint to Banks in Almaty

Almaty mortgage borrowers organized the flash mob near Kazkom and Tsentrcredit Banks. Debtors dressed black cloaks in order claim that the next devaluation very strongly affected their opportunity to pay the credit.

"We don't call for sign-off our debts, banks have to make concessions. If people pay 10 000 or 15 000 tenges per month, it doesn't mean that they need to pay the credit 100 years, but within 20 years. Markets are burning, business was closed, the unemployment rate is increasing," organizer of the movement "Leave to People Housing" Dilnar Insenova told.

An official of the press service of Kazkom Bank Sergey Chikin went out to meet with debtors. People refused to listen to him, avoiding his diligence to calm the raged crowd. They issued to meet with the chairman of Bank.

In the short time, deputy attorney of the Medeu district of Almaty City came across to the mortgage borrowers. Deputy warned people about unauthorized meeting

Mortgage loaners prepared to go to the front door of "Tsentrcredit Bank" which is located in 50 meters from Kazkom. Borrowers gave up on bandage hands a logo of the bank and the noisy crowd moved in the main entrance. Requirements are the same. This time, the head of the problem credits Askhat Suinshin went out to talk to debtors.

According to him, the sum of 15,5 billion tenges to regulate the mortgage loans was bankrolled to the bank. Today about 50% of requests with problem borrowers are reviewed. However, according to him, the major part from them doesn't fall under the government program.

According to the Fitch Ratings, "Kazkomertsbank" fell to the category "the default is possible". Analytical Agency presented ratings of the other banks of Kazakhstan. In particular, ratings of a default of the issuer of affiliated department of Russian "Sberbank" at the BB + level, " Halyk bank" at the level of "BB", "Tsesnabank" at the B + level, Bank Tsentrcredit at the level of "B" and "ATF Bank" at the level of "B - " are confirmed.

Photo: azattyq.org

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