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Fast Food Market of Kazakhstan Has $260 Million Worth

Fast Food Market of Kazakhstan Has $260 Million Worth

According to annual estimates of Burger King Kazakhstan, annual turnover of fast food market in Kazakhstan went over $245 - $260 million.

The regional director of Burger King in Kazakhstan Andrey Kapustin said that annual income of the internal market composes 10-12%.

Looking to statistics, about 20% of Almaty residents, who aged 18-35, visits fast food once a week and 25-30% of citizens twice a week. Another 47,4% prefer to spend time in cafe and bars.

Burger King owners assured that getting market share by such large player as McDonald's doesn't put the company into financial trouble.

As reported earlier, the first Mcdonald's restaurant in Kazakhstan is going to be opened in Astana City on March 8.

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