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Over thousand nominees to stack up for being regional deputy in Kazakh Parliament

Over thousand nominees to stack up for being regional deputy in Kazakh Parliament

According to the information provided by territorial election commissions, 1050 candidates showed their ambitions to be a deputy in a maslikhat, regional members of a lower house of Kazakh Parliament.

For the moment, the largest number of candidates was put into the election in North Kazakhstan ( 239 people). Then, Karaganda (197 people), East Kazakhstan (132 people) and Kostanay (95 people) regions go in the list of commission.

5 citizens from nominated candidates are members of political parties of Kazakhstan. 553 of them registered themselves as an independent nominee, and the other part of volunteers preferred to go elections without being a member of any party.

Among the proposed candidates representatives of 16 nationalities.

693 (66%) male nominees and 357 (34%) female board members proposed to be the regional deputy.

The average age of candidates is 41 years.

720 candidates (68,6%) have the higher education, 257 (24,5%) of them hold an average specialist education and 72 (6,9%) nominees didn't go to the higher education organizations.

According to the planned schedule approved by the Central Electoral Commission, promotion of candidates of maslikhat will last until February 19, and registration will open until February 23, 2016.

Photo: projects.vlast.kz

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