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Kazakh Secretary of State Attended to Nauryz Celebration in the USA

Kazakh Secretary of State Attended to Nauryz Celebration in the USA

The visit of Kazakhstan Secretary of State Abdykalikova Gulshara to Washington ended with participation in a gala reception dedicated to spring holiday Nauryz. This annual event in Washington, organized by non-profit charitable organization «Nowryz Commission», firmly scheduled into the calendar of the highlights of the American elite.

According to 24.kz, hundreds of guests, representing the White House, State Department and Congress, as well as business community, public and diplomatic corps got acquainted with the traditions and culture of the Turkic countries and the Middle East.

Kazakhstani section was of particular interest and characterized by a variety of informational presentation of our country. The books, souvenirs, artwork, items of folk art of Kazakhstan masters were presented there.

Participants of spring festival tried the Kazakh national dishes. Addressing the guests of the gala entertainment in Washington, Secretary of State Gulshara Abdykalikova told about the features of the holiday and its traditions. She noted that on this day the old grudges are forgiven, the young receive the blessing of the elders; the world is recreated and prepared for a new life.

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