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CNN added Kazakh artist to the Silk Road Sound's list

CNN added Kazakh artist to the Silk Road Sound's list

Popular American Channel set out to find the sounds of the modern Silk Road, from east to west discovering the artists whose talent will soon be crossing borders. Arys Arenov, Kazakh artist, was included to the TOP five artists of Sound of the Silk Road.  

As CNN noted, Arys Arenov hails from Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty. A graphic designer by trade, he began playing the drums at 14 and soon started bedroom composing. In 2014 he was selected for Tokyo's Red Bull Music Academy, where organisers hailed him as "a master of spaced-out disco". Yet his Kazakh influences are still prominent -- several of his tracks feature the dombra, a traditional Kazakh string instrument.

"Arenov makes music with a distinctly Central Asian twist," wrote the Red Bull Music Academy. "Almaty might not have the biggest electronic music scene, but we know that Arenov is definitely one of its best and brightest."

When plucky traders trekked the silk route hundreds of years ago, the only sounds to accompany them were the thud of hooves, slow breath of camels and rush of the desert wind.

Today's Silk Road travellers may go by plane, truck or bicycle, but there's a good chance they've got music to stimulate their senses along the adventure, CNN's reporter notes.

'The Silk Road: Past, Present, Future' travels east to west along this ancient trade route, exploring how traditional culture, arts, and trade have developed in the 21st century.

Photo: nespi.kz

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