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Export of Kazakhstani wheat grains in 2017

Export of Kazakhstani wheat grains in 2017

Almaty. 14 April. 7kun.kz - In 2017-2018 marketing year, Kazakhstan plans to export at least eight million tons of grain. This was stated at the briefing by the director of the agriculture department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Myrzakhmetov.

"According to the forecast of grain and flour exports, we assume that this will not be lower than last year, as in 2016 we had a big wheat crop," he said.

"Today we are in the marketing year (2016-2017), in comparison with the last year (2015-2016), in principle we are on the same level.To date, about 6.3 million tons of flour and grain were shipped. This period was shipped 6.5 million tons, "Kadzhibekova added.

As reported, the ministry predicted that the export of grain and flour in 2016-2017 marketing year will be about 8.5-9 million tons.

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