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Newly Adopted Budget Shows Pessimistic Estimates

Newly Adopted Budget Shows Pessimistic Estimates

Yerbolat Dosayev, Kazakh minister of National Economy, told about adopted state budget for 2016-2018 on March 3. New budget concerns pessimistic attempts.

During the parliament session, Kazakh minister said that exchange rate of national currency against US dollar will be 360 tenges (instead of 300 tenges, as in the previous version), the average price of oil is to be $30 for the barrel and the decrease of metal quotations till 15% from now.

According to experts, the estimated sum of GDP in 2016 will be proposed about 44,2 trillion tenges which are T1,3 trillion less than it was predicted in November 2015. A piece of the national economy for every citizen of the country had been fallen rapidly.

Meanwhile, as Mr. Dosayev has told further, the agriculture sector is growing quicker than it was predicted in November.

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