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Budget of EXPO-2017 is about to cut

Budget of EXPO-2017 is about to cut

The Chairman of JSC Astana EXPO-2017 Akhmetzhan Esimov offers to the President of Kazakhstan to reduce the budget of the project of the international EXPO exhibition. He noted about it during the first meeting of a public council, Tengrinews.kz reports.

"We have to look behind budget expenses, considering hard times. I go to the President today to offer a new plan of optimization. He had already supported for cutting the sum of 78 billion tenges. Now the new offer on some billions. If Mr President agrees, you will get the statistics today," Mr Essimov said.

According to him, the company is trying to use domestic products in construction.

"We consider that EXPO is one of those government projects which during giving support to domestic business hard crisis times. Practically all regional companies of Kazakhstan are involved in the construction of EXPO. In last five months, we attracted 243 domestic companies to EXPO. They got business agreement for 32,2 billion tenges," the chairman told.

In the middle of August, Astana EXPO-2017 reported about the reduction of salaries of employees for 150 million tenges.

Then, Akhmetzhan Esimov, after being the Chief Board Member of Astana EXPO-2017, cut expences and management by half.

Photo: www.millioner.kz

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