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Kazakh School Boys Developed Smart Clothes

Kazakh School Boys Developed Smart Clothes

Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual School (NIS) in Kostanay region developed smart clothes which are intended for people with a hearing, sight and the speech problems.

According to Kazakh TV, people can use smart gloves during the conversation without а sign language. All words will be led out in the little monitor of smart gloves.

"Safe electronics with a helping of textile will help to warm hands. Moreover, there is a sensor which shows the average temperature of a person," Abilaykhan Adilbek, the 10th-grade student of NIS, told.

One of the last projects of school students is the cap, reacting to green in the traffic light. The smart device in the cap will help to people with weak eyesight when a person can cross the road.

Smart students are going to patent all their inventions in a near future.

Photo: nis.edu.kz

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