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"Nur Otan" won't pay electoral fee

"Nur Otan" won't pay electoral fee

A candidate, for being a nominee to a deputy of the lower house, has to pay 15 minimum salary payment. It equals to about 342 885 tenges. But Nur Otan, the main political party of Kazakhstan, is not going to pay payments for the candidates, Kazpravda reports.

On January 30, Nur Otan offered 127 candidates to upcoming elections of Mazhilis of Kazakh Parliament to a Central Election Commission.

"According to requirements of electoral laws, Nur Otan is excluded from paying the electoral fee because the party got more than 7% of votes from a total number of the voters in the previous election," the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) official noted.

Nowadays, there are seven political parties officially registered in Kazakhstan.

Photo: altaynews.kz

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