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Profit of Mangistaumunaygaz reduced twice

Profit of Mangistaumunaygaz reduced twice

The profit of the Mangistaumunaygaz company following the results of 2015 was reduced more than twice and made 62 million 202 thousand tenges, Kursiv.kz reports.

The income from product sales and rendering services was also reduced last year and made 400 million 903 thousand tenges. It composed 658 million 832 thousand tenges for the similar period of 2014.

In total, assets of the company increased from 390 billion to 395 billion tenges in a year. Short-term obligations decreased, long-term obligations grew almost for 6 billion tenges.

For the record, JSC Mangistaumunaygaz is the Kazakhstan-based oil and gas company. The headquarter of the company is in Aktau City. Mangistaumunaygaz is one of the five of the largest oil and gas companies of Kazakhstan.

Photo: yvision.kz

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