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Agriculture Minister: Kazakh can earn $1 billion on horse milk

Agriculture Minister: Kazakh can earn $1 billion on horse milk

Powdered horse milk can become a source of the financial income for Kazakhstan. Such opinion was expressed by the Minister of Agriculture Asilzhan Mamitbekov on his Facebook page, Tengrinews.kz reports.

Kazakh Minister noted that the facility on the production of powdered horse's milk started letting out the first production in Karaganda region. There are 10 tons of milk are required to create 1 ton of a product.

"Nowadays, a great demand on powdered horse milk abroad. So, a considerable part of the production is sent for export. One kilogram is on sale at the price in 200 US dollars", Mr. Mamytbekov wrote.

According to Minister, at the present time,  there are 2 million horses in Kazakhstan which is more for 20 per cent than an indicator of 1991. If 100 thousand from them make milk, the income from powdered production can reach to 1 billion dollars.

Photo: en.tengrinews.kz

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