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Kazakhstan to introduce car recycling tax

Kazakhstan to introduce car recycling tax

Kazakhstan intends to impose the car recycling tax, as announced by the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan, East Time reports.

The size of the utilization fee will be determined by a special calculation, taking into account the vehicle's engine capacity. With that, no amendments related to the age of the car will be introduced. The recycling tax will be levied on all manufacturers and importers, without exception and regardless of the country of origin of the vehicle.

The recycling tax will be charged before the first registration of the vehicle. It applies to all vehicles newly registered in Kazakhstan.

According to the Ministry, Kazakhstan's total car fleet includes approximately 4.7 million different vehicles, of which 58.3 percent are aged 20 years or older. Thus, the Ministry believes that the newly-introduced utilization fee will solve the environmental problems arising during vehicle operation. It should also encourage Kazakhstan automakers to produce clean and safe cars.

Importers and manufacturers of cars will have to pay the recycling tax before they sell the vehicles; individuals who have imported their vehicles privately will be charged before the first registration. The novelty is not to affect those car owners who have already registered their vehicles in Kazakhstan.

Photo: www.russiasupplychain.com

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