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New Minister is Preparing UNT Reform

New Minister is Preparing UNT Reform

Takir Balykbayev, Vice-minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, told about changes in education system of Kazakhstan during the Ministry briefing.

According to a road map of trilingual education development for 2015-2020, changes will be prepared to an existing system.

"We are going to use an experience of our collegues abroad. Russia will add English language as an obligatory subject in 2021. We are planning to add the language to Union National Testing (UNT) System," Mr. Balykbayev said.

According to minister, trilingual concept  has already been taking roots. About two years ago, The first class students started to learn foreign language at school. And number of English hours will be increased by 2016-2017.

As reported earlier, Yerlan Sagadiev, who served as a vice-minister in Ministry of Investments and Development of Kazakhstan, was promoted to be Kazakh Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan.

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