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Upcoming IPO of this year

Upcoming IPO of this year

Analysts of Wall Street, despite high fears of crisis in the world economy, prognosis to the IPO of 2016. According to them, investors nevertheless expect primary placement of a number of the companies of the technological sector. Officials declared the plans of an entry into the stock market in the future earlier, however owing to uncertain market conditions didn't declare IPO yet.

Out of that situations, we present to your attention potential, perspective IPO.


The American company, the producer of space rockets with headquarters in the city of Hawthorne, California, USA. It was founded in 2002 by the former owner of PayPal and CEO Tesla Motors Elon Mask, with the purpose to cut down expenses on flights in space, opening a way to colonization of Mars. The company developed the carrier rockets Falcon 1 and Falcon 9, from the very beginning, pursuing the aim to make them reusable, and the Dragon spaceship (put to orbit by the same Falcon 9), intended for replenishment of stocks at the International space station. The passenger version of the ship Dragon V2 for transportation of astronauts on ISS is in a final phase of development.

The CEO of the companies Elon Mask reported that the Company doesn't hurry with primary placement yet, but can already come for the public auction at the end of 2016. We will note that according to data of Wall Street Journal market capitalization of the company is estimated at $12 billion. Since 2006, the company could already attract about $1,2 billion financing. Now SpaceX signed contracts for the sum about $5 billion and it is expected that this sum will only grow in the future. In general, this company is perspective with the global purposes.


The Xiaomi company was founded by eight partners on June 6, 2010. The first Mi1 smartphone was announced in August 2011. It was delivered with the built-in insertion of MIUI based on Android, combining corporate styles of Samsung TouchWiz and Apple iOS. Over the past few years, the сompany endured unprecedented rapid growth. So, to the third quarter 2014 of Xiaomi became the third largest producer of smartphones after Apple and Samsung, having taken 16% of a share of the market. In 2014, the company received revenue of $11,97 billion that is 135% more than an indicator of 2013 equal to $5,2 billion whereas in 2012 the Company earned about $2 billion.

We expect that the сompany can already enter stock market in 2016 and become one of the expected IPO in the world.


The international company from San Francisco which created the mobile application of the same name for the search, a call and payment of a taxi or private drivers (private traders). The app is available in 68 countries and more than in 300 cities of the world. By services of the Uber app, the customer reserves the car with the driver and traces its movement to the specified address, payment is made by means of data of the cash card. In most cases drivers use own cars, and also cars of taxi firms. In the majority of the countries of 80% of payment pass to the driver, 20% are transferred to Uber.

Now, capitalization of Uber Technologies, Inc. it is estimated at $50 billion, and in the case of primary placement, this company can become one of expensive venture startups. The official date of IPO is still unknown.

Photo: www.blastr.com

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